Solitude, Isolation and Loneliness

Solitude, Isolation and Loneliness Solitude, isolation, and loneliness are enormously powerful and most often overwhelming feelings. They possess the ability to cause great pain and suffering or personal triumph. Solitude is defined as "the state of being solitary, or alone; seclusion, isolation, or remoteness," and listed as a synonym is isolation (Webster"s`.). Loneliness means to be alone or solitary, to stand apart from others, isolated (Webster"s). Solitude, isolation, and loneliness seem, on the surface, to be one and the same but it is a bit wrong to equate them without first examining their various connotations. . Solitude is a self-imposed isolation that often brings positive and renewing feelings. It generates a sense of solitariness that is both creative and motivating. For me solitude can only be explained as heaven. I have never been lonely because I not only enjoy solitude but I seek it ou...